Leadership Development

We can best multiply our impact through the people we develop.

Access Ventures partners with visionary individuals to find the best path to progress.

Since our inception in 2014, we have been raising up transformational leaders who challenge the status quo.

Our fundamental belief is that at the heart of any transformative change in a community, company, market or movement is people.

Through our leadership development programs, we find people working to make the world better in a big way, and then help them become impactful leaders by connecting them with the tools, resources, and community they need to bring their ideas to life.

These individuals are either just starting out in their career pathways through our AV Fellowship or a seasoned business leader facing an inflection point in life in our Executive Fellowship programs.

Because people are our greatest resource and highest hope for the future, we are eager to identify, support, guide, and walk alongside leaders with a vision for this world that leads to the greatest good.

AV Fellowship

AV supports bold leaders who see possibility in the face of community challenges. Together, we endeavor to build solutions that support human flourishing because vulnerable people everywhere, face systemic opposition. The economy represents not just an engine for industry, but an opportunity to demonstrate the inalienable dignity of all people. Therefore, it’s not okay to simply build a functioning economy – we must build a more accessible economy in which everyone can thrive.

This Fellowship is designed for young leaders between the ages of 22-30 who have an idea worth exploring further that will positively impact our world and their community.

Executive Fellowship

Each year, The Access Ventures Executive Fellowship is comprised of 4-6 leaders chosen to engage in a thought-provoking journey of personal exploration—to move beyond success to a place of growing significance in the world. Our fundamental belief is that an investment in the whole person (spiritual, relational, physical, emotional and intellectual) will achieve far greater outcomes and lead to a lifetime of impact.

Each class of Executive Fellows is chosen from a wide pool of accomplished entrepreneurial leaders between the ages of 35 and 50. These Fellows have already achieved considerable success in the private sector and are at an inflection point in their lives or careers—looking toward the broader role they might take on in their communities or globally. The two-year program consists of structured discussions presented over 5 in-person sessions (approximately 3-5 days each) and monthly group calls. These are held in various locations, and each constantly evolving session is led by experts in emotional well-being, nutrition, theology, leadership, and impact.

“Access Ventures believes far and away that people are the greatest variable for success; the people on their team, the people they invest in, the people they partner with. They bet BIG on people while other organizations miss out on the single greatest catalyst for transformative change. I saw first-hand the transformative power of when good people with good ideas are given the opportunity to flourish.”

— Niko Kampouris


Know Homelessness