news & stories
Inspiration and Resources for Change Makers
At Access Ventures, we believe our impact will reach only as far as the stories we tell.
We view storytelling as a critical amplifier of our work and the work of our partners, without which we cannot realize our mission.
Explore some of these stories below, and let us know what you think.
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We continually share learnings and best practices that advance our collective mission of human flourishing.

Held Back By The Social Support System
Organizations like Leap Fund advocate for transparency and education, enabling workers to make informed decisions based on their unique circumstances.

Housing is a Fundamental Right
Our goal for this workshop was to generate and collect meaningful ideas to address challenges within regional homelessness, while facilitating a larger and longer conversation among those who work in or have the ability to enact change within this space.

Corporate Rest
Drawing from experiences in the military and manufacturing, AV founder Bryce Butler created a "corporate rest" policy, closing the office twice a year for complete disconnection, which has boosted team productivity and morale by allowing everyone to return to work refreshed and ready for new challenges.

Team Trips
Incorporating various types of team trips, including learning, team building, rest, and strategic planning, Access Ventures emphasizes the importance of shared experiences to strengthen team culture, foster unity, and boost overall productivity through well-planned and immersive activities.

Defining Your Values
This post outlines the process Access Ventures undertook to redefine their core values, emphasizing the importance of collaboratively assessing and refining these values to ensure they reflect the personal principles of the team members and guide the organization’s mission and vision effectively.

What Causes Homelessness?
Homelessness is a complex issue with varied causes unique to each individual, often misunderstood and surrounded by myths. The KNOW Homelessness campaign seeks to dispel these myths and challenge assumptions by providing insights into the realities of homelessness, encouraging a deeper understanding and proactive action to address the issue.

Our New Render Capital Fund Announces Virtual Pitch Event
Access Ventures launched Render Capital, a $15 million regional fund to support entrepreneurs in Louisville and Southern Indiana by providing early-stage risk capital, and announced the winners of the 2020 Render Competition, with a virtual pitch event on September 25, where eight startups will each receive $100,000 investments to help them grow and scale in the Greater Louisville region.

Time Is of the Essence
Time is crucial in moments of crisis, and Access Ventures, recognizing the urgency during the COVID-19 pandemic, collaborated with community partners to establish a nearly $1 million Small Business Continuity Loan Fund to quickly provide 0% loans to vulnerable businesses and support local economies.

MobileServe: Helping Volunteers Tell Their Story
MobileServe is a company dedicated to streamlining volunteer tracking and fostering service-oriented company culture, which Access Ventures has supported through investment, aligning financial returns with social impact by enabling users to log over 3 million service hours with an economic impact of more than $79 million.

Celebrating Art in Community
The VSCO Voices program, supported by Access Ventures, grants artists $200,000 to create projects that amplify underrepresented stories, highlighting how art can spark dialogue, challenge stereotypes, and empower marginalized communities by showcasing and celebrating their voices through local events.

VSCO Voices – Cori Corinne
In this interview, Cori Corinne, a graphic designer and VSCO Voices grant recipient, discusses her project Dress. Code., an interactive photography exhibit exploring how women and non-binary individuals face double standards in workplace attire.

VSCO Voices – Dave Kasnic
This post introduces Dave Kasnic, a VSCO Voices grant recipient, and discusses his photography project focused on documenting the life of Pastor Martha Freeman and her community in Milwaukee, exploring themes of identity, belonging, and faith.