Your Partner for Impact

At Access Ventures, assets under influence matter more to us than assets under management. We have found that even in philanthropy, it’s a numbers game. And yet, our mission has always been to be a catalyst for human flourishing. One of the best ways we can do that, is to inspire more people to adopt a blended approach to impact.

To do this, we launched the AV Foundation, a separate pending 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to providing philanthropic expertise and helping donors realize their philanthropic aspirations.

Our friends at the AV Foundation provide flexible options for donor-advised funds (DAFs) in order to expand our collective mission of human flourishing and to enhance and expand philanthropy within society. 

At the AV Foundation, their model focuses on three key differentiators

  • Flexibility & Agility

    As a boutique fiscal sponsor organization, we can offer more flexibility and agility to donors, and we are able to create more tailored approaches to both grantmaking activities and investment portfolios.

  • Education & Collaboration

    Because we are focused more on the impact of assets rather than just managing a large amount of funds, we prioritize helping each of our DAF holders understand the impact they want to make in the world and for their families.

  • Collective, Community Effort

    DAFs allow donors to pool their resources and recommend how these funds should be used for grants. This setup enabled community foundations to manage these collective donations, making a bigger impact on the community.

what is a donor-advised fund (DAF)?

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is widely regarded as one of the most tax-efficient ways to manage your philanthropic efforts. 

A DAF is a charitable giving account set up within a public charity, which acts as the “sponsoring organization” responsible for managing and administering individual DAF accounts.

With a DAF, donors can make charitable contributions, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants from the fund over time. Donors have the flexibility to contribute to the fund as often as they wish and recommend grants to their preferred charities whenever it aligns with their philanthropic goals. This approach allows donors to give when it is most convenient and distribute funds when the need arises.