Investment in Human Flourishing


We believe

A flourishing society is dynamic, resilient, and equitable.

Flourishing involves seeing all people as valuable and that each person offers unique contributions to our communities and economies.

We also believe that the economy is an opportunity to demonstrate this inalienable dignity of all people. Therefore, we believe that a system that prioritizes people will be more flourishing for everyone.

  • Dynamic

    A dynamic economy fosters continuous growth, innovation, and progress while prioritizing the well-being and development of individuals and society as a whole. It combines the principles of a thriving market economy with a focus on human values, sustainability, and access to opportunities.

  • Resilient

    A resilient economy refers can withstand and recover from shocks, disruptions, and crises while simultaneously fostering the well-being and prosperity of individuals and communities. It combines the principles of resilience, sustainability, and human development to create a robust and adaptable economic framework.

  • Equitable

    An equitable economy ensures fairness, justice, and equal opportunities for all individuals and communities to thrive and reach their full potential. It is built on the principles of social justice and the promotion of well-being and flourishing for every member of society.

Guided by our Values

We aim to ensure that every individual has equal opportunities to succeed, access to essential resources and services, and the ability to participate meaningfully in society, thereby fostering their well-being, development, and flourishing.

Innovation and Adaptability

Innovation and Adaptability

The economy encourages innovation, research, and development to drive adaptability and resilience. It fosters an environment that supports technological advancements, entrepreneurial activities, and the exploration of new ideas, enabling businesses and individuals to respond effectively to changing conditions and challenges.

Growth and Opportunity

Growth and Opportunity

It promotes social mobility, invests in education and skills development, and addresses systemic barriers to ensure the benefits of economic growth are shared more equitably. It ensures equal access to opportunities for all individuals, irrespective of their socioeconomic background, gender, race, or other characteristics.

Sustainable Resource Management

Sustainable Resource Management

The economy embraces sustainable practices in resource management, including energy, water, land, and other natural resources. It promotes responsible consumption, environmental stewardship, and the transition to a low-carbon and circular economy, ensuring the long-term viability of resources and minimizing ecological risks.

Social Safety Nets and Support

Social Safety Nets and Support

The economy establishes robust social safety nets and support systems to protect vulnerable populations and individuals facing hardships. It includes measures such as affordable healthcare, housing assistance, education, and unemployment benefits to ensure that no one is left behind and that everyone has a foundation to build upon.

Collaboration and Cooperation

The economy values collaboration and cooperation among individuals, businesses, and government entities. It encourages partnerships, knowledge sharing, and collective problem-solving to address complex challenges, promote sustainable development, and create an environment conducive to human flourishing.

Human Capital Development

Human Capital Development

The economy invests in human capital through education, training, and skills development. It recognizes the importance of equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge, capabilities, and adaptability to thrive in a rapidly changing economic landscape, enhancing their well-being and contributing to the overall resilience of the economy.

Ethical and Responsible Business Practices

Ethical and Responsible Business Practices

The economy upholds high ethical standards and promotes responsible business practices. It encourages corporate social responsibility, transparency, and accountability, ensuring that businesses operate in a manner that respects human rights, promotes fair competition, and contributes positively to society.

Participatory Decision-Making

Participatory Decision-Making

The economy encourages participatory decision-making processes that involve diverse perspectives and voices from all segments of society. It ensures that individuals and communities have opportunities to engage in shaping economic policies, regulations, and programs, allowing them to have a say in matters that directly affect their well-being and flourishing.

Community Development

Community Development

The economy supports community development and empowers local initiatives. It recognizes the importance of vibrant and resilient communities in fostering human flourishing. It promotes local entrepreneurship, social enterprises, and collaborative networks, encouraging community-led initiatives that address local needs, create employment opportunities, and enhance the overall well-being of community members.

We’re actively pursing opportunities for human flourishing